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Your Florida Winter HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Check Your Furnace Filter
Depending on your home’s air quality, whether you have pets, and if
you have allergies or lung conditions, you’ll need to replace the filter
anywhere from every 45 days to every 3 months.
You will want a medium- to high-efficiency filter with a good MERV
rating, but not to high if its not needed as it can restrict airflow.
Clean Your Outside Unit
With fall leaves coming down and building up in your yard, your external unit may have gathered debris around it. Sweep this away, cut back any nearby bushes, and rinse the unit off with a hose.
Clean Your Internal Unit
Poke your head under the unit and inspect your heating elements for any signs of wear, and clear off any dust that has built up on it. Clear your drain lines by pouring a bit or bleach combined with hot water down the drain lines. Make sure fans or blowers move without issue.
Check Your Unit Electronics
Now is the time to change any batteries in your thermostat, and to update the programming to make sure it still meets your family’s needs. If you have an efficiency schedule set for AC then now set one for heating. Also, check the batteries in your Carbon Monoxide and smoke detectors.
Add Extra Insulation If Needed
To prevent any frozen wires and fluid in the pipes of your system,
add any necessary insulation around the pipes that are running outside
of your home.
If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start preparing your HVAC
system for the coming cold weather. This HVAC maintenance checklist is a
great place to start, if you would prefer to have a professional handle
it we take calls 24/7. Let Air Design, prepare you for the colder
months to come.