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Benefits of a Fall Heating Tune Up

With what can be called fall weather finally peaking around the corner, there are many of us who are taking this opportunity open to our windows and air out our homes. Whether you are taking this time to enjoy the crisp weather, enjoying an afternoon walk now that the kids are back in school, or you are excited about your morning pumpkin spice lattes, it is important for all of us to make sure that we are taking steps to properly prepare your home for the coming winter months. One of those checklist items is contacting a local heating service specialist like Air Design to come out to give your home’s heating system a professional tune up before our few freezing weeks of winter. What are some of the reasons you should do this, you may ask…
Reduce the risk of breakdown
Nobody wants to be sitting in a freezing house with 4 blankets on because the heater is broken. Forty percent of the heaters that break down in the winter are the direct result of improper maintenance. Having your heating system stop working entirely during the winter months can be a major bummer, and a hassle as emergency repairs are generally not cheap or quick. Taking the time this fall to schedule your heating system tune up will guarantee that there are no underlying factors in your system that could lead to a serious breakdown and fix any issues that might put your system at risk. In addition, regular system maintenance is generally required on an annual basis in order to keep the system’s manufacturer warranty intact.
Extend the life of your system
Like most things in life, the better you take care of your heating system, the longer it should last you. The winter months, even with the on again off again relationship Florida has with it, can be strenuous on your heating system. Taking the time to have a fall tune up before it has to go into heavy use can help prevent a great deal of issues that can ultimately shorten the life of your home’s heating system.
Improve your system efficiency
You always want to make sure that your system has everything it needs to function as efficiently as possible. An important part of keeping it running properly comes with regular tune ups. Investing in a fall tune up for your home’s heating system will ensure that every aspect of your system is in healthy shape and ready for the tough job it has ahead of it. With Air Design’s Tune-ups you can have peace of mind in knowing that all of the various aspects of your heating system are working properly and efficiently.
Improve indoor air qualit
If you are like most Florida homeowners, you likely spend a great deal of time inside your home when the cold weather comes around, but did you know that the air inside your home can be up to 100x dirtier than the air in your back yard? Tune-ups can help. Over the course of the year, a lot of dirt and dust get clogged into your heating system, if you do not have it cleaned regularly, it is just going to be constantly circulated through your home for your family to breathe.
Call 202-COOL today to schedule your next fall tune-up.